Apr 7, 2020Liked by Morgan

for the record, my taps were of a spoon on my yogurt bowl, the yogurt container, and then on the jar of mixed berry compote I had made. They weren't that aggressive! The coffee maker is just quiet!

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Apr 7, 2020Liked by Morgan

Thank you for the beautiful coffee multimedia! But how did it taste!? Was it delicious? What sort of aromas? I don't drink coffee but would very much like to hear your description of this new flavor! Also, Sara, that banana bread looks so yummy!

That shawl is going to be the most beautiful autumn accessory! Those colors! So autumnal!

I really like the new choice of patio furniture! Those chairs look comfy! I think they will provide more back support than the previous two options, which will make for a superior lounging experience. And with the umbrella and the lights... it's going to be a beautiful little spot for you!

I understand your feelings about walking. I am feeling similarly. I don't feel super confident walking around my more crowded neighborhood, which is a bit sad. And MHC closed the grounds for recreation per South Hadley's ordinance. So while I think I would be okay to walk around there, it is frowned upon at the moment :( And to your point about the fancier neighborhood not having to worry... no wonder we are seeing lower-income communities being disproportionately affected by this virus :(

To mirror you and end my comment on a happier note, I would love to spend some time grousing and/or planning a visit/talking about other things for the future! Also, those animals brought the biggest smile to my day! How cute!!!! Ugh, I love cute animals doing cute things!!!

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Apr 7, 2020Liked by Morgan

Also, I use so many exclamation points! It's a bit ridiculous, but oh well!

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